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Friday, June 25, 2010

Make A Point To Install Those Hexagonal Tweeter !!!

When your new BH is a stand alone and located inside a plantation or an orchard or on a Padi field, you can actually get more attention from those Swiftlets by using the Bazookas and Hexagonal Tweeters.

There are more then one type of Bazookas while the Hexagonal tweeter is a cluster of 6 to 8 tweeters that you arranged in a circle.

The mid range bazookas, 2 units each, should be installed inside the house with about 5 inches of its mouth facing the sky.  This will give a boost to the coverage distance.

The next most important is to install a hexagonal tweeter just above the entrance hole but not too high.

I recommend that you position the hexagonal tweeter exactly at the middle of the entrance hole on the roof top and it should not be more the 2.5 feet above the roof top.  If it is too high then those birds will ignore the entering of your BH.

Basically the function of the hexagonal tweeter is to spread your external sound played to various directions.  If you opt for the side entrance your external sound will only be transmitted to one direction.  As such you might miss those birds flying at the back or the two sides of the house.

This will be not a good thing to happen to a BH.

You need 100% of all those birds within the reasonable distance to come over to your new BH for inspection.

If all that passes by stop over to check on your BH, there will be a stronger chances that your new BH will have some tenants.

My strong recommendations is never run a BH without these Hexagonal tweeters.  You can either purchase the ready made or you assemble your self.

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