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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

DIY Your BH External Sound Using 28in1Medley !!!

If you owned a couple of BHs at various locations you will have a tough time to get the right type of external sounds for each BH.

By now you realised that there is no such things as a one sound that fit to all the locations. There are cases where those birds will not response to any sounds in your collection. So what are your options????

As far as I know there is no technology that are easily available to solve this perculiar problem. Even if there are the inventor will not share with you because he feel threaten that all his birds will be moving to your BH.

I have been doing some research on how to solve this so called "sound problem". If I found one I will be willing to share with anybody on this planet earth.

My philosophy is the reversed to those who are not willing to share.

"If you are successful I will also be successful."

Last night after spending more then four hours watching the effectiveness of my 20in1Medley in Kepong, I think I have found a Possible Solution. Remember the word "Possible Solution".

The idea was to assemble a total of 90 minutes of all the sounds, as many as 28 sounds, that are in my collection and have a chart that will tells you what sound is playing at what time (during the 90 minutes duration of each cycle). Each sound i allocate a small gap of 40 miliseconds divider (to differentiate between the strings of sounds using a sound editor).

Once you have that in hand you now set your digital timer to play the 90 minutes continuously during the test period. Good example from 7:30 am till 8.59am, then 9.00 am till 10:29am, the next will be 10:30am till 11:59am and so on.

Synchronise your watch with the digital timer. Get it to the dot please.

Now you run the sound for a couple of days. When ever you are free, drop by at your BH and observe the action of those birds.

Bring along a piece of paper and pen. Watch the entrance hole carefully.

Jot down the exact time when those birds were attracted to the entrance hole.

Conduct this for at least one week.

Once you have the list of all the time the birds were crazy with the sound, you can now evaluate which sounds among the 28 clips are effective and not affective.

You can now eliminate all those sounds that are not effective and perhaps extend the playing time of those effective sound. Save it with your own name or wife name.

So the result will be those that will make those birds crazy rushing in an out of your BH entrance hole all the time

This new set of external sound will be suitable for, say, your first BH.

Now bring the master copy to your second BH and carry out the same procedures.

You will now own another new set of sounds that suit your second BH.

So now we know that there is a very simple way of building a proper external sound for all your BHs no matter where they are located.

All you need to get is a master copy of the sound I was mentioning and DIY to select the best sounds clips for your BH. Yes you tailor made the sound to suit the species found in your area. Remember to save the master copy in your computer before installing at your BH.

Note: You do need to download any sound editing software, FOC, and learn how to copy and cut.

I might sound crazy but if there is a way we should explore the possibilities.

To be a successful BH owner you must be independent and the best is to learn how to.

If you wish to try the above crazy idea let me know. The master copy now is called 28in1Medley complete with the sounds timing and with a free offer of a digital timer will time set to plug and play. Offer will be for the first 10 person at a reasonable price of 450. If comes in a pend drive of 2GB.

Remember this is something very new and I am sure it will be something that we have been thinking of. You buy one and you can use it multiple times.

My main objective to continue writing this blog on swiftlet farming is to expose everything that are relevant to those who wanted to get involve with the business.

I strongly believed that the only way to minimise failure is to get as much knowledge as possible before you invest in it.

If you feel that the lesson learned deserved an encouragement you can contribute a some donation to this account: Yayasan Kebajikan Nah Sabah, 100930010038410 at Allied Bank, Malaysia.

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