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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Red Nests In An Old Birdhouse !!!

Many of us have never seen birdhouses with red nests.
I am sure if you see one you will get very excited about it.
I have not seen one too however I managed to download these special pictures that I believed will be useful to all my blog readers.
They are just beautiful.
Some ares till white and some yellow.
The person who took this photograph told me that this BH have been in operation for almost 20 years. The floor were covered with about a foot of bird shits.
The bird shits produces thick ammonia gas and these gas with proper humidity and temperature will turns the nest into yellow and later red. If the nests are not harvest on time they will turn into black or dark brown.
Well we do not have any detail explanations from him but let us enjoy the beauty of the nests and hope one day there will be red nests produced in Malaysian BHs.

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