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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Very Strong Chance Of Doing Some Researches In Collaboration With A University !!!

Finally I met a BH owner who happened to be a lecturer with a University.

He hold some Professorship and owned a Dr title.

A young man with lots of ideas what he wanted to do for our swiftlet industries.

"Pak Harry I have been doing a lot of research about swiftlet farming and currently embarking on specific studies on the use of aroma in attracting swiftlet." he told me.

His faculty provided him with the most sophisticated laboratory equipment and any liquid can be analysed using those chromatography machines.

He tested one of those popular canister aroma and it seems that the developer used some kind of citric based liquid inside.

"You mean there was some kind of orange juice in it?" I asked him.

"Yes, based on the results spit out by the chromatography machine." he answered.

Hmmm... this guy is getting way out of control.

The best is yet to come.

"I have taken the move to have my own BH so that I can conduct my aroma tests." he said.

He showed me the test BH however after 1.5 years the number of nests so far was not that high.

Hmm... I told him that I can try to help out.

His current plan is to revamp the test BH with my help and once done he wanted me to participate in his aroma researches.

He might push two of his student to take part in the study and once the study is successful he might be able to come out with a report on how those aroma are affecting the birds.

I gave him my thumb up and I will try to help.

The key point is that if his effort can help the industry why not.

I thank him for wanting to contribute something to swiftlet industry and hopefully his effort will eventually resulted in some new aromas.

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