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Monday, January 27, 2014

On My Way To Karak BH !!!

(Maintenace Time Line)

Last week  a BH owner from Karak wanted my recommendations on her BH 2014 maintenance schedule.

I mentioned to her that I will be free to drop by for a quick look at her BH and passed the maintenance agreement plus a timeline schedule.

The time line gave her a kind of major and minor maintenance job that is required for the year.

The major maintenance can be done three to four times a year while the rest of the month the BH shall be under the minor maintenance.

After into operation for more than 2 years the time have come to carry out some major inspection plus revamping of a few critical things inside.

My biggest concern are on the sound systems.

The amplifiers needs some kind of upgrade or renewed while all those external sound tweeters exposed to the hot sun and rain to be replaced.

I am very concern over those hexagonal and the last tango tweeters.

After 2 years I think they are either no more functioning or giving shrieking noise.  No more sound but those broken down sound.

I am sure many of those nesting planks are showing signs of fungus.  They need to be identified and cleaned.

The nests that are old needs harvesting.

Those that uses the fake nests are also due for harvesting.  Once the used fake nests are removed its tenants will return at the same spot to build on the plank.

I also would like to carry out the once a year forced harvest.  The idea is to jump start the nest population.  It is a kind of common that once you carry out the forced harvest the number of nests will jump by at least 20% or more.

Those areas that are still too bright need a kind of proper light blockages.

The BH needs some kind of insecticide spraying in the inside and outside.  I believed there are other unwanted residents crawling into the BH.

Well what I hope is that the owner will agree with the proposal and sign the short agreement prepared just for the BH.

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