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Thursday, January 2, 2014

What Do You Think Will Happen If Those New Birds Landed On A Nesting Plank Full Of Fungus ???

 (Can you see the thickness of the fungus?)

Have you ever imagine what will happen when a new swiftlet couple who was looking for a new place to start their family but by shear bad luck landed on a plank that was totally covered with fungus?

If I were one of them I will tell my wife to forget about this BH.

Lets find a better place.

I was helping this Rawang BH owner to clean his BH nesting planks this morning.

From far I thought those nesting planks with signs of being attack with fungus was not that serious.

The moment I climb the ladder and wipe the plank from one end, I was shocked.

You know why?

The fungus was so thick (1mm at least) and full of dust (spores) coming out of it.

This fungus was not white in color but greyish.

Oh my God.

Luckily I was with those mask on.

That was not the only plank but there were more then 4 long pieces.

I keep asking the same question.

If a new couple entered this BH and unfortunately landed on these four pieces of contaminated planks what do you think will be their reaction?

Oh shit me that will be the last time they entered.

This might be a very strong reason why this BH have stagnant nests population.

The owner could not identify why but I told him that this might be the probable reason.

His BH floors were flooded and he did not realize that when his BH humidity is above 95% - 100% RH, most of wood inside will start having those fungus.

He was very lucky to engage me to inspect it.

I took lot of trouble to help him to clean most of the affected planks.

I used a but of the Tanali vinegar and later applied a layer of super pheromone liquid.

I hope that all his former tenants will return and more new one will stay put inside.

No more fungus and the smell of super pheromone might be something to make them to stay.

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