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Saturday, February 28, 2009

If All Sounds Failed To Draw Those Wild Birds, What Next?

"Harry, I have run every sound that I have and those birds simply refuse to come near my new BH, what will be the next step?"

Something unusual and "Kepala Pusing" question.

I must say that things can happen where you expect so much but no matter what you do you still could not get the expected result.

There was this BH owner who owned a very successful BH with more then 10,000 birds occupying his four stories BH near a large dam.

In view of this success he decided to construct one more unit about 1.5 kilometers from the first.

He built exactly the same as the first in fact better. He place the everything the same. The entrance hole, the humidity, the sound, the tweeters, the amplifiers, the temperature and everything that you can think off were the same.

After more then two years not a single bird enter his new BH.

Hmm .......

What can be wrong Harry?

I don't know and I really don't know. Maybe he vowed to God that he will do something good if his 1st BH is full of birds but he has forgotten the promised. Maybe he have not been charitable enough or maybe the house "ada hantu".

The other case is a house after testing with all the sound that the owner has never draw any birds to his house.

The best, according to some special friend in Pahang, was to run "Duress" sound for a specific period of time and after that switch to a strong external sound.

The reason given by him was that the house was very new and the cement smell might be too strong.

The second reason being the young birds are not yet out for the season.

The best is to run "Duress" sound and introduce the new BH to everybody around.

Let the Duress run for at least one month and later slowly use new sound that can pull the birds into the house.

After one month and there were nothing that scares the wild birds they will no longer feel threaten by the sound.

At the same time during the one month there will be thousands of birds that become familiar with the location.

Once you stop the duress, they will still hang around but with the new sound they will come and perhaps stays in your BH.

This method was said to be successful in Pahang and after three months the owner has about 80 nests built.

So this is something that you might want to try but remember this is something unusual and don't blame anyone if it does not work.

I am just posting this special method to those who have a brand new house and have great difficulties in luring those birds to their BH roof.

It is not recommended to those BH with ready occupants in them......


Anonymous said...


I have not yet tested out the Black Cloud that I got from you.

Will this Black Cloud disrupts the present 'tenants' of my BH?

Pak Harry The Swiftlet Anthusiast !!! said...


In most instances any new sound will not affect the permanent tenant of your BH. "Duress" sound might affect but BC I believed will not. My BH with BC have not decreased but increased in nest numbers.

Please be sure to know the setting when using BC. The sound volume is also crucial. Thanks