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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

This Is How A Layman Runs His Sound System !!!

"The moment I collect any new sound I will just shaft it in."

I recall this so call statement from one of the participant at TH Hotel Productivity Seminar.

Hmm a very sad and not the right thing to do.

Your BH sound is a very precious thing.

I always advice my blog readers to take care of it like your life.

The moment you purchase those sounds try to safe it inside your computer.

If this is your first time, try to open a folder, safe these sound inside it.

After that you can then take them to your BH.

With the sound safely copied and safe inside your computer, you now owned a standby sound list.

Just imagine if the thumb drive dropped somewhere or stolen from your BH you can easily make a new thumb drive.

If you do not safe it you will waste a lot of your precious time and maybe will never get that same sound ever again.

Use some common sense for your own sake.

My advise is to start a sound library.

Get as many as you can in stages.

Get about 10- 20 good external sounds and 5-10 good internal sounds.

If you do not have try to call me and I will give you my valuable collection.  Remember there is a small fee for every sound.

Call me now at 017 7551318

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