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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

More Sounds In My Collection !!!

Today increased my sound collection by another two.

One of my blog reader was very kind enought to allow me to have his collection for me to analyse and perhaps share with others.

Last two weeks I got more then 5 new sounds that were new and interesting. Normally once I got them into my collection I will analyse the sound using Sony Forge 9 software and also do field trials. The good one will then be distributed among those blog readers that are helpful to conduct some tests and provide their imput.

If the sound is tested and proven to be very good then I will distribute them to those who are new and need to improve their library.

My very sincere advise to all my blog reader about sound will always be as follows:

1) You need to start a sound library as soon as you can, You cannot operate a BH with only one sound for the external and one sound for the internal. This will not be good to you and your BH.

2) You need to start small and slowly built a set of sounds. What you need are those good sounds. Sound that will attract the birds to response to the frequency and most important is for them to enter your BH.

3) You need to be able to differentiate between bird call test, the external and internal sounds. They are different and using them wrongly will cause your BH to be sick or empty.

4)You need to get your bird sound from someone that you know or trust. If you pick them up from someone whom you do not know the sounds might chase your current tenant away. Soon all those birds in your BH will run away to your next door neighbors. Trust me.

5) The best is to own at least three effective external sounds. You need to locate,, test and proof that these will be the most effective for your BH location. Once you have them play those sounds on rotation. Play the 1st for at least 3 months and once their effectiveness are no longer there, you need to switch to the next sound in your collection. Do the same after the next 3 months or so.....

6) You can reuse the sound after you finish the cycle playing the 3 sounds. Do not throw them away. Those birds might like the first sound back after you stop playing for almost 3 months.

7) Try not to use the bird call test sound as your external sound. The call sound is said to be a baby bird giving sos calls. Those birds will hoover over your roof top but will be very scared to enter your BH.

8) If you want to start you sound library, the best is to get at least 5 external sounds, 3 internal sounds and one the bird call test sounds. This will be good to act as a starter library. Try to make sure that one of those external sounds is the Black Cloud.(You can get them from Pak Harry if you wish to).

9) Upon having this set you might want to get more by buying them from shops or friends. My advise here is be very careful. Some sound might chase you birds away.

10) To get a good buy is to buy one set of ten at a price of say 5. You can actually buy in bulk. Buying one by one will cost you more and if you buy them from someone whom you trust, all might be effective.

11) I believed that if you want the external sound you played will last longer you need to play the sound for not more then 2 hours in a day. Good example the Black Cloud. I always recommend that you play this sound only from 6.00 pm till darkness say 8.15 pm. The rest of the time you play other melodies that are slightly less effective then the Black Cloud. Yes use separate amplifiers with timers.

I have a collection of about 200 sounds. Some of these sounds are good but you need to test them if you wanted to start your own collection.

For more details please call Harry at 017 755 1318.

Remember start your library and get the best sound for your BH. You cannot depend on those "Consultants" but yourself. Think carefully and make the right decision.

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