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Saturday, July 25, 2009

What If All BH Owners In Malaysia Uses Those Mist Humidifiers !!!

Today, I was in Rawang Country Home to see a group of investors launching their first BH.

This group of investors got together and pool adequate capital to convert a stranded shop house into a BH.

I was directly involved as their advisor and the person to carry out those monthly maintenace works.

The BH was on the top floor or a four stories building and I took not more then 10 days to complete the total conversion.

Today it was officially launched and during the occasion I invited Mr.T of Ipoh to join the function.

Mr.T met me yesterday when I was in Ipoh to review a sick BH located somewhere in Section 18, Ipoh.

What Mr.T has in mind was to start on a marvellous idea of constructing BHs based on modular system using containerised concept. After reading my earlier article about converting old unused containers he fell in love with the idea.

Initially he wanted to buy those old 20 footer and 40 footer container and recycle them. It seem that it is not very easy to get hold of these so called rejected containers any longer.

His idea was to bring those containers into his factory and work on them until they are fully ready to be mobilise to his customer's sites.

Now he wanted to construct similar containers from zero and get them ready as BHs.

I was quite fascinated with his unique ideas. I told him to look into it seriously. I was prepared to be his advisor in materialsing his dream.

Since he has never entered a BH, I invited him over.

While in Rawang and after the review of the new BH we set for a cup of coffee.

I spoke to him about various things and touched on the new mist maker humidifier. The new generation soundless humidifier for BHs.

We spoke above the benefits especially getting your BH to generate those pure white nests.

Imagine if all BHs in Malaysia uses this new and cheap technology. All raw bird nests originated from Malaysia are crystal white while other countries are dirty yellow.

What would the consumers from, say China, says about our products (Raw Nests)?

"Malaysia's raw bird nests are better and crystal white" or "We prefer bird nests originated from Malaysia" or "Malaysia bird nest very good" and etc etc etc.

What will happen to our bird nest industries by then?

Can you visualise the benefits that we will be able to harvest?

Malaysia Boleh .......

So if you read this blog and you do owned a BH, I invite you to participate in this noble exercise.

Let us be the biggest producer of Crystal White Birdnest. Get hold of about 4 to 5 units of these mist humidifiers and install them in your BH. Remove those conventional chicken coop humidifiers.

The finest birdnest in the whole World will be from Malaysia......

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