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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Corner Covers Can Be Easily Attack By Fungus !!!

I was invited by one of my blog reader to have a look at two of his BHs is Tanjung Malim recently.

During my short trip I observed something that is interesting to report.

While looking for some clues on why this BH population stop from multiplying I discovered a few white colored corner covers which I think were located just above the chicken coop humidifier.

I am dead sure that those white colored things were due to wood fungus.

When those wood were wet, due to water from the conventional humidifier, they will become a breeding ground for those fungus.

When things get very serious, these fungus will fill the nesting room air with their spores (seed).

Swiftlet seem to dislike these spores since they will contaminate the nests.

My advise is to remove these contaminated corners and perhaps change the chicken coop humidifier to those soundless humidifiers.

Just be careful when using water in the BH. Make sure they are operated properly and do minimum damage to the BH.



Harry, yet another great observation...My question is that what makes the soundless ultrasonic humidifier different that it would not lead to the fungus development on the wood as it also creates fog (which consists of water droplets). Thanks.

Pak Harry The Swiftlet Anthusiast !!! said...

The two affected corner covers were directly above those chicken coop humidifier. The water droplets produced were blasted using a poweful fan.

If you use the ultrasonic mist maker the mist produced are not blown upward but falls from about 5 feet (using a PVC pipe) down to the floor. The chances of these mists to wet the nesting planks and corner covers are minimum.

The mist will normally cover the floor surface and not touching the ceiling woods.


Thanks for your advice and look forward to reading your new adventure...