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Saturday, September 12, 2009

How Happy You Can Be When You See One Couple !!!

A newbie who finally got a nest in his new BH.

Read this email:

Dear Harry,

Greetings from Sabah!

Remember some fake nests you supplied to me some months ago? We nailed them onto the nesting planks plus those 4"x 3"x 1" Styrofoam as recommended by you.

Some young birds entered our new BH and camped near the tweeters. But lo and behold, today my cousin who manage the BH rang and told me that one pair of the swiftlet had occupied one of the fake nests. They have laid 2 eggs in it, and the male and female takes turns to incubate. This is a great news to all of us.

Something really strange was,my cousin indicated that those young birds did not lay any nesting material (saliva) but made use of your fake nest in total.

These young birds are getting lazy and did not do any work in building their own nest. The inside of the nests are lined with some cotton material, and they must be finding it like real nest and feeled comfortable.

Although we do not get the nest as expected, we are happy that they like the place and settled down.

I told my cousin: Never mind about the nest for the moment, but we get the benefit of increasing in population.

I have never come across the birds making use of the fate nest for their production directly.

Thus, we report this lazy behaviour of the young couple to you.

Best Regards,


I felt very happy for DC and his cousin.

I replied to him encouraging him to keep bringing in as many young birds as possible. Let them use these fake nests until the total number of birds in the house reaches 300 sets (nests). Once that is achieved he needed to be a bit more stringent with those birds.

To those who have not use any fake nest please try to do so.

All in all you need to treat these fake nests as your "Goodies" to lure those young birds to stay.

Best of luck to DC and his cousin.

Have a look at some of these pictures taken from my own BH.


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