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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Corner Covers: Some Says to Install Later !!!

One thing that I must admit is that there are so many methods to do things.

I am referring to the installation of ceiling wood corner covers.

Some say that the wood panel coner covers should be installed immediately but there are some who says that it it better to install them after the house have reasonable number of birds in the house.(Note nests that are harvested from 90* corners will be classed as grade B and price reduction can be as high as RM1,000 per kilo to those of Grade A).

I am very sure that there are reasons or logic behind the 2nd opinion ie to install after the house already have a reasonable number of birds.

These are some good reasons that U might take note:

a) When U have a brand new birdhouse, the birds that enter and start to stay will be those new young ones. They are pretty young and usually never built any nest on their own before. (This was what a Sifu mentioned to me. U have the right to disagree.)

b) Usually those with nest(s) before will not abandon their nest house. Their chances to abandon,especially when they have new babies or eggs already laid,is pretty slim.

c) The young birds (never have nest before) are the one that will occupy the new birdhouses. These young birds are a bit lazy and will alway find shortcuts in their nest building. So they choose these 90* corners.

d) Beside short cuts they tend to be ready to use any fake nests if U install in your new house.

In view of the above reasons some SIFU do not recommend the installation of corner covers in newly birdhouse.

Let the young birds choose where to built their nests and allow them to multiply as fast as possible. Once their numbers are good enought, maybe 100 nests or so, then U can start the installation to minimise your lower grade nest production.

Differrent people have different ideas but I think it does make a lot of sense !!!

I am not giving U any ideas but please make your own judgement. It is your birdhouse not mine.

I am just trying to share what I learned during my last trip.

This picture shows a corner covers that used alluminium sheet.

This picture is the convention flat wood but U can see that the back hole that allow birds to sneek in and build their nest.

A conventional corner covers with holes at the back

This is a better way to fill those holes at the back.

This corner cover was the one I picked up in Sekinchan and they are ready made. Each was said to cost about RM1.50.

View from the top elevation of good corner covers

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