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Friday, January 4, 2008

Swiftlet Farming Guidelines From Local Authority Council.

Ladies and Gentelmen,(picture: see nobody want to listen to me !!!)

I have been trying to locate this guidelines for sometime now and today someone out there sent me a PDF copy for me to use on my blog.

The guideline consist of an 8 pages document and sorry it is in Malay. Since I am an expert in Bahasa I will try to translate. Any error please don't blame me. I just wanted to help:

Title: Guidelines For The Application of Lisence To Operate Swiftlet Birdhouse.
(Garis Panduan Permohonan Lesen Premis Perusahan Sarang Burung Walit).

1) Objective (Tujuan)

The guideline for the application of Lisence to operate swiftlet birdhouse provide the list of terms and conditions in which all operators must complied to before they can obtain the Operation Lisence.
(Garis Panduan Permohonan Lesen Premis Perusahaan Sarang Burung Walit Menetapkan syarat-syarat dan langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil oleh pengusaha sebelum pemis boleh diluluskan untuk perusahaan sarang burung walit).

2)Regulations and Guidelines (Undang-undang dan garisan).

The regulations and various guidelines relevant to lisence application for the operation of Birdnest ranching are as follow:
(Undang undang dan garis panduanyang berkaitan dengan permohonan lesen premis untuk perusahan sarang burung walit adalah seperti berikut:)

a) Local Council Act (act 171)
b) Road, drainage and building act ( act 133)
c) Minor rules on building Uniformity 1984, and
d) Good animal husbandry for Edible Nest Swiftlet Aerodermus Species - Ranching and its Premis by JPH

(a Akta Kerajaan Tempatan (Akta 171)
b Akta jalan, Parit dan Bangunan (Akta 133)
c Undang undang kecil Banguna Seragam 1984, dan
d Good animal husbandry for Edible Nest Swiftlet Aerodermus Species - Ranching and Its Premis oleh JPH).

3) Process in Approving of Lisence.
(Proses kelulusan lesen Premis)

The chart provided in attachment 1 explained the process and are as follows:
(Carta alir saperti Lapiran 1 menerang kan turutan proses proses berikut ia itu:)

a) Submission of Lisence application by operator to PBT;

b) PBT will refer to the technical agency that is Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan and Badan Warisan Malaysia for comment.

c) PBT will receive the comment from the two agencies and will check, and

d) PBT will advise applicant on their application (pass or failed)

(a)pemohon kemukakan permohonan lesenpremis ke PBT,
b)PBT rujuk ke agenensi teknikalia itu Jabatan Pekhidmatan Haiwan dan Badan Warisan Malaysia untuk perakuan;
c)PBT terima perakuan dari agensi Teknikal dan semak; dan
d)PBT memperoses dan memaklumkan keputusan (lulus/gagal)kapada pemohon.

4. Term And Condition by Local Authority.
(Syarat Syarat Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan)

The applicatble terms and conditions are:
(syarat-syarat tersebut adalah:)

a) House with full resident is not allowed;
(Bangunan kediaman sepenuh nya adalah tidak dibenarkan)

b)The ground floor of any building is not allowed for swiftlet ranching unless a special permission is obtained from PBT (allowed only to those buildings that are stranded but for a period of time only);
(Tingkat bawah bangunan tidak dibenar digunakan untuk perusahan ini melainkan kebenaran khas diberi oleh pihak PBT; (dibenarkan bagi bagunan terbiar pada satu tempuh yang tertentu))

c)building facade must hormonised with the surrounding;
(facade bangunan hendaklah harmoni dengan persekitaran)

d)Any structural modifications in the building shall require the approval of Consultant Engineers on structural strength. For buildings that are build by adding to a main struture it must obtain approval of layout plan by PBT;
(sebarang perubahsuain dalam bangunan yang melibatkan struktur perlu ada pengesahan dari Jurutera Perunding ata kekukuhan struktur. Bagi bangunan yang ada penambahan perlu mendapat Kelulusan Pelan Bangunan dari PBT;)

e)The sound tweeters must be fixed facing the sky with an angle not less then 60* from the base floor;
(Corong pembesar suara hendaklah dipasang menghadap langit pada sudut sekurang2 nya 60 darjah dari dasar lantai;)

f)*From the point of building utilisation, it must be a commecial building
* For commecial buildings that have the status of shop houses a period of 2 years is given to comply with the regulations;

(*dari segi kegunaan bangunan, ianya hendaklah dari jenis komesial; dan
* Bagi bangunan yang berstatus rumah kedai tempoh dua tahun diberi untuk mematuhi syarat ini.)

g)**application must be accompanied by certificate of attendence of birdnest familirisation course certified by the Government which are provided from time to time;
** This rule will be excercised soon and shall be advise by KPKT at a later period..

(Permohonan perlu disertakan dengan sijil kehadiran kursus yang di iktiraf of Kerajaanbagi tempoh yang akan ditetap kan dari masa kesemasa
**Tarikh penguat kuasa syarat ini akan di maklumkan oleh KPKT pada satu masa nanti)

5 Check List For Items Required For Birdhouse Lisence Application:

1) Receipt on assesment tax of the premis :

2)Usage of Building is not fully for residence:

3)The ground floor is not converted to birdhouse except received a special permission/consent by PBT (please attached the letter of consent):

4)Building facade harmonised with serroundings:

5)Is there any structural modification in the house? If Yes kindly attach letter of inspection and approval by Consulting Engineers:

6)Is the building an addition to an existing building? If yes kindly attach approved building plan by PBT:

7)Is the sound tweeters fixed in a direction facing the sky and is 60 degrees from the base floor?:

8)Is the building build for commecial use?( Agricultural land is exempted) For commercial building 2 years is given to comply to the terms

9)Certificate of attendence of course in birdnest farming.
The effective date shall be fixed by KPKT and shall be announced soon

6: Technical Agencies Which Shall Be Referred by PBT Before Approval Is Granted;

The various agencies that shall be reffered are:

a) Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan and;

b) Badan Warisan Malaysia if applicable(Only building that are gazetted as historical)

7: Monitoring of Birdnest Ranching Operation.

The list of things that will be monitored shall be:

a) The loudness of the birdcall sound shall not exceed 40 decibell from 6 meters from the wall of the effected building. The tweeters face shall face the sky with a minimum of 60 degrees from the floor base. The time allowed to run the sound shall be from 7am to 7pm.

b) The birdhouse premises must be always clean;

c) Premise shall not cause any disturbances such as foulty smell, mosquito breeding, breeding of flies and any other insects;

d) Water should not be kept in any form of pool or containers without any proper control. Only Humidifier is allowed;

e) The external wall of premise must be always clean;

f) Light to be fixed at the external building;

g) Birdshit (guano) must collected and be removed on a schedule basis.

8: Conclusion.

This guideline shall as the basic for the application of lisence to operate birdnest farming . The approval of every application shall be subjected to the application and enforcement of exisitng applicable regulations.

9) Chart (Sorry cannot do much on this)

Anyone who need a PDF copy of this Guideline please Email to me .......


Anonymous said...


What are the guidelines for standalone farm on agriculture land?.

Pak Harry The Swiftlet Anthusiast !!! said...


I am sorry that I do not have any to provide U but I will look into it.
From what I know, using agri land is more favourable since the local council are more lax and the chances of U to be in trouble with them is lesser.
Basically, if the land is under agriculture (title) U can build structures on it but the land area involved must not be more then 1/3 of the total.
The assessment rate is also very low.
So I encourage U to build your birdhouse, if U can, on agricultural land.