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Saturday, April 5, 2008


The three new words that every swiftlet farmer must get to know.

I heard the word kaca-susu when I first ventured into this swiftlet ranching 5 years ago. Due to some reasons I forgot all about it.

Recently, at Pulau Kapas, one of the speaker, Pak Irman, touched on the subject. It rekindle my memory about KACA-SUSU.

According to Irman, the words have now extended from KACA-SUSU to KACA-SARI-SUSU and most recent is the KACA-SARI-SUSU-SAPI.

For your information, Indonesian are very fond of coining words so that they can remember something much easier.

One of the most memorable one that I learned was the word for hand phone or HP. In Indonesia hand phone is known as HP or hapi.

In swiftlet farming, the word KACA-SUSU was first used by Mr. H. Fatich Marzuki.

The words represent:

K: Kelembapan (humidity)
A: Aroma (Smell)
CA: Cahaya (light)
SU: Suhu (temperature)
SU: Suara (birdsound)

You can see that all the items mentioned in the words are significant in your birdhouse design and development.

After some time the words transformed to:


The new word added is SARI. This new word is to include the item:

SAR: Sarang (Nest)
I : Imitasi (Fake)

Which we refer to the imitation nests. I believed that this item must be something that is becoming an important part of the birdhouse design.

Pak Irman then told the participants that there is something more to add to the word. He was refering to SAPI or:

S: Sirip (nesting planks)
A: Aman (Strong Entrance Door)
PI: Pintu Masuk Burung (Birds Entrance Hole(s))

Interesting and I do think that this is a very good idea on how to remember all the points that must be considered when you wanted to built a BH.

How about the things that need a very serious consideration while constructing your BH?

He came out with FOLADIAFON. It refer to your special care to the followings:

FO: Foundasi (foundation)
LA: Lantai (Floor)
DI: Dinding (Walls)
A : Attap (Roof)
FON: Plafon (Ceiling)

It is up to you to remember this additional word.

I would prefer the KACA-SARI-SUSU-SAPI.

Hope you enjoy reading this new informations that is interesting and exciting.....


Victor Gee said...


Not very understand about SAPI. I thought A - Aman for "peace"? What do you means by Strong Entrance Door?

Pak Harry The Swiftlet Anthusiast !!! said...


Aman is peace. Peace is when your BH is safe or aman (In Indonesian language). U get peace if your main door of the BH is strong.