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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Attack by Those Nesting Planks Mold !!!

Those who uses any kind of water sprays in their birdhouse will experience the problem of mold growth on their nesting planks.

This is considered normal and unavoidable.

The growth is due to a specie of fungi that grows easily on those wooden planks when they are moist.

Today received a call from one reader who wanted immediate advise on what to do with his BH. He started his BH a few days ago and due to some error with the digital timer the humidifiers have been running for 24 hours. The whole house were flooded with water and the planks are totally wet.

Well he needed some guidance and I was not very sure what is the best solution since I have never accountered a similar problem before.

The best was to check with a few Sifu who have accountered this kind of issue.

Their answers are as follows:

1) Wash them with water and dry them up using a hot blower.

2) Brush them with suitable brush and after that apply a layer of water soak with broken birdnest.

3) Brush them with wire brush and let it be.

4) Brush it with suitable brush and apply with a layer with a mixture of water plus calcium.

The best is number three. Just wire brush and make sure the wood are dry. Maybe reduce the humidity to perhaps around 80%.

Let the room humidity stabilised and all those water on the floor dry up.

I am sure there are many who experienced the same problem.

They might be able to give their comment on this issue?


K L said...

1) Remove those badly damaged planks

2) Open up all ventilation holes or extract fans to dry up the room to get rid of the stinking air first.


Pak Harry The Swiftlet Anthusiast !!! said...


Thank U for sharing your experiences.
