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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lubang Antara Lantai (LAL) Selection !!!

Last night went to visit an Apartment in the Golden Triangle with lots of Serinti.

The apartment is somewhere on the top of the hill close to those collapse building sometime back.
I am sorry for the residents who have squash as their hobby.....

At first I was taken to the car park. I was not surprised with the number of Serinti staying on most corners of the ceiling.

After a few minutes that, I was taken to the Squash Courts (two of them).

My my my .......

Frankly the Serinti have taken over the two courts. There were at least 500 of them. You can imagine the shits on those wooden floors.

Anyway after taking some photos, I was invited to have a session of teh tarik...

"Harry, what is the best for a LAL in a new BH built on a piece of Agricultural land. The house will be 30 feet by 90 feet and will be 3 stories high?"

Frankly there are many ways that you can design them. There are two that I have observed. Each has their pros and cons.

First is the direct tunnel, from top to the bottom floor at one end of the building or in the centre.

The other is via the staircase and they are built in a ziz-zag manner.

Both are okay but I would prefer the ziz-zag staircase design. My main point is that you allow the birds to fly from one floor to the other before they settle down to a chosen location. Normally the staircase can be just about 2 feet and the LAL be extended by 6-8 feet. The length can be 10-12 feet.

Also for a young bird, first time to fly, will have the chance to fly from one floor to the higher floor before taking off to the sky. If they are weak they will be able to rest along the way.

One more point is that the total saving of nesting areas is at least 64% as compared to a tunnel type. Normally a tunnel will need about 15 feet by 15 feet hole while the ziz-zag you only need the most 8 feet by 10 feet = 80 feet. 15X15 = 225 x 2 floors= 450 less 80x2 floor = 160 equals to 290 square feet. So your saving is 290 square feet which is approximately 29 square meters or 290/450 = 64% savings.

One square meter can bring in one kilogram of nests, if your BH is totally full, you will gain an estimated volume of 29 kilograms per harvest. If one kilogram is RM4000 you will gain at least (4000X29) RM116,000 per harvest. You are looking at One Hundred and Sixteen Thousand Ringgit Per harvest?

So why must you choose the tunnel type?

Well there is nothing wrong with the direct tunnel, if given a choice, I would prefer to locate the tunnel in the middle of my BH. My main reason is that when they are at home they can fly around from one floor to another without a hitch. The tunnel provides them the path to be a friendly neighbor.

It is up to you to choose the best option. Both are alright.

I showed him a couple of BH designs that I have visited and are very successful.


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