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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Have CCTV Cameras To Monitor Your New BH !!!

Having four cameras in your BH can be very exciting. You can easily monitor how those wild birds behave and understand what is stopping them from entering.

However there are some set backs which you will not notice until someone point it out to you.

I was in Subang 2 completing the conversion of a new BH. My partner installed this IR cameras at various strategic locations to catch those birds taking their first flight into the new house.

Immediately after the house was ready and put into operation mode, we can actually observe how those birds take their time to fly into the open roof openings and check into the entrance hole.

They will do that for at least four to seven days. During this time they will check the new house, especially around the roof openings, the pool and of course the entrance hole.

They will fly in and out as if they are scared of something in the house.

This is very common since the house is new and the cement smell are still thick in the air.

Maybe they are trying out the flight direction on how to enter the house safely.

We can know exactly what time they enter since the whole system provide a kind of motion detection. The storage space provided is huge. It can store a total of one month activities.

If you wanted to retrieve any slots that you miss you can just locate the frame.

It can also search those frames that were having activities in a specific camera areas.

I am impressed and do observe the early behaviours of those young birds. They come at different time of the day and lock onto the hexagonal tweeters. They will circle the tweeter for many rounds.

Once the are attracted to the open roof sound they will so the same. They will fly and try to hold on to those tweeters.

After doing that some will fly into the entrance hole. The only weird thing was that they will fly out after a few seconds flying at the entrance area.

This is where it effect the concentration of my partner. The moment those birds do not enter the house and move to the back, my partner will start his comments on why those birds refuse to move in to the back.

This is where trouble begins. He will not sit still until the openings are opened wide to ensure that those birds do not stay around the door but get in.

This can be good however if he keep bagging those walls the house will never be peaceful with human interventions.

After a few alignments, I told him to stop going into the house. His body smells might cause those birds a bit scared to enter, I told him.

Today he did some last minutes changes and promised not to enter and disturb the environment for the next two weeks.

Hmm ..... at least he listen to my advise.......

Overall the use of these cameras do provide you with some observations when those birds started to penetrate into the house, their flight behaviours and what are causing them not entering the house.

I recommend the use of these CCTV cameras for early detection of possible flight path errors.

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