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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Word Is "Never Gives Up"

"Harry, unbelievable. After conducting the call test for almost umpteen times we hit the jackpot".

This was the exact phrase from a newbie who bought from me the bird call gadget with my "Duress" sound.

He explained that he was looking at building a BH on a piece of land belonging to his partner. After buying the test gadget he did the test and the results were miserable.

Today after so many times he hit the best bird count. More then 500 and it was unbelievable, according to him.

It might be due to the good weather or perhaps someone up there have finally decided to show them how bird call test result should looked like.

"Harry may be god have answered my prayers."

I can only laugh and felt amused over how some of these newbies can be bitten by those swiftlet virus until the become so crazy.

They could not sit still, their ass become itchy and the only way out is to take action.

The morale of this story is that, never gives up too easily. If the piece of property does not gives good results you might want to test again and again and again. Choose the right timing and a good weather.

Wonderfull people with wonderful experiences........

Inside me I was whisphering "wait until you see 3,000 birds responding to your test call" .....

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