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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Is It Wrong To Have More Then Two ????

Just call your SIFU and ask him about your Bird House (BH) sound system.

" SIFU, what do you recommend for my BH, the number of sound system that I should have?"

Most SIFUs will say, two is more then enought. One for the external and one for the internal.

Is it wrong to have more then two? Why must it be only two?

I am sure you can guess my thought about how many should I recommend?

Well how about five? Yes FIVE or Lima? Why five and not six?

My real answer is as many as you wanted to. It is your BH and you have the right to install as many as you wanted to. Right? .....

The only thing is why must you have more then two? Just stop and think deeply for a few seconds and give me a good answer(s).

I personally would like to have more then two.

Let me give my reasons why you need more then two.

1) Internal Sound.

If you have more then one floor, can you have different sound on each floor? Is that wrong? Will it cause the birds to be confused? I don't think so. If it is yes then prove me wrong. If you choose the right chicks and love making songs for both floors you might give the birds more then one options to choose where to stay. Some colonies prefer the top floor while the other prefer to be in the lower floor. Let the bird make the choice.

2) External Sound.

External sound is the key to your BH success. If you play the wrong sound at the wrong time of the day you will eventually have very little birds in your house. Many BH owners have complained that most of the time there are lots of birds outside but they never seem to fly into the house.

What if you modify your sound system so that you play two diffent sounds that are timed differently? Will that help? If the answer is yes then you can have two different sounds for the external call.

You should look at having two sets of tweeters playing the sound at a different time. If you are smart you can guess what I have in my mind. Yes just try to read my mind.....

3) Lock me in please.

This is something that you have never heard before. You play a sound at the end of the day, just before darkness, which I call "Lock Me In Please". You will be wondering what is this uncle Harry trying to say. He must be mad ....

Yes I am and you are too. I keep saying that only mad people mixed around with mad people. Now just start that thinking cap of yours ticking and just ask yourself what was I trying to say: " Lock Me In Please".

So now you can count how many sounds are we playing.

No more two but five .....

I have not talked about the six (sound for your Bazookas) and the seven yet (sound for your Hexagonal Tweeters) ..........

He he he

Special Note: This article is just my own ideas which I believed should be considered. There is no fast rules in applying this idea. All you need is some planning of all the things that are viable in bringging in those birds into your BH. Please do not bother to use them if you feel the current two sounds system is more then adequate. Take it that I was just trying my luck to change your mindset.


K L said...


The sound level must be controlled very perfectly, otherwise u get pasar malam effect whereby one corner shouting "daging sini", another corner shouting " Cheap sale" while another area shouting "mari mari". Rojak effect!

Ben Gan said...

I believe you should play a different tune at different time of the day. And also, do consider the season the birds are in. At mating time, surely you need to play something sexy to put them in the right mood. Right?

Anonymous said...

yah like they say its normal to have 4,,,,,,,(madu 4)

Unknown said...

Very innovative idea Harry!! Are you trying it out at your farm at the moment......

Unknown said...

Hi, Harry!!
My suggestion is that, combination all in one CD. Let say now i have 3 bird call CDs (A, B,C), we can save it in one CD, ex. CD(A) for 30 minutes + CD(B) for 30 minutes and CD(C) for 30 minutes. So all total become 90 minutes, play it in repeat code. Now we solve the rojak effect, and at the mind time, we can attrach more different birds come to our BH.