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Monday, March 3, 2008

Politically Speaking

This morning my wife and me have a long talk about those political issues that were brought to her attention.

Most of the opposition parties are using Petrol prices and Tol fee as their political weapon.

They promised to reduce the Petrol cost and halt the Tol hike...

If you look rationally the two ideas are marvellous but can they be implemented?

I am not a politician and I am not going to tell you who I am going to vote but I for one is not happy over the political climate in Malaysia.

We tend to be a bit racist and we are easily carried away with empty promises ...

To me, I think Malaysia need to change their political system. We need a system that are practised by advance countries where only two parties are allowed to run in any election.

If we have a two parties system then we have a lesser chances that the ruling party will do as and what they like. This is due to the fact that if they do to much wrong thing we can throw them out. Our current system with so many opposition parties are just no good to the Rakyat. All in all we are giving too much confort to the current ruling party. They have all the races in one party while the opposition are camping their party people in different tents. There is no way to overthrow the ruling party for perhap another 50 years. So we are actually making them inmortal (cannot die and keep enjoying running the country) ....

Let say we have Party A running the Government and the opposition is only one Party i.e. party B. If we the rakyat do not like Party A then we vote them out and push B to run the country. If within 5 years they cannot perform then we vote B out and get A back into power.

Right now we are given no chance to change the Government because the opposition have their agenda and they are disorganised.

A very sad thing to happen but I hope one day my wish, of two party systems, will come true. May be not during this life of mine but the next life. I hope to be born here so that I can continue enjoying looking after all those swiftlet houses...

Well these are just my wish and I have no malise to anyone or any political parties.

One more wish that I would like to see the the right of Malaysian to carry out peacefull demonstration. Why not ??

In Indonesia, you see them every month. They are well organised and given the necessary permits, with specific guidelines, with a fix amount of Bond to be placed with the Police, a selected route to take and the police will be given the power control the parade. Those who join the peaceful demonstration are provided with free nasi bungkus and free drinks. The food and drinks are again sponsored by multi nasionals.

I think if we have an orderly peaceful demonstration we can have some weekend family fun. The aim of the demo is not to critisize our Government but to raise any world issues that we want to voice our opinions at. Like the Gaza Occupation, the War in Iraq, the Famine in Sudan, the Aids in Africa, the Tsunami, the Anti Whaling, the use of land mines, the killing in Kurdish, and many many more ....

I look at it as freedom. We have the right to express our feeling and hope relevant parties will consider looking at our request.

I am free to decide whom I am gonna vote on this Sartuday 8th March, 2008 ....

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