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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Today The Whole Day in Ipoh and Setiawan And Tommorow In KTrengganu !!!

Ladies and Gents,

Today started my journey to Ipoh, Perak at 7.00 am. Reached there by 9.30am and after some unsuccessful birdcall tests went over to Setiawan, Perak.

I feel very honoured to meet Mr.S from Ipoh. He is the Pomelo King in Tanbum Valley.

In Setiawan met a very humble Contractor named Mr.D. He owned more then 10 BHs and about to start another 5.

Visited three of his BHs and when asked how many nests are inside one of the house visited, he said I lost count. When he took over the number was 800 and now, after one year, must be 1,600 only, he commented.

One of the unit was pretty new and the third was his first BH. This maiden unit is doing very well too.

Mr.D, what do you want me to do? I asked him.

"Harry, I am not happy with the number of nests. I want my house to be filled to the brim. Yes all those empty planks, I want them to be lined with nests. Please advise me what need to be done".

Oh my god, this is not a very easy task but very challenging. I was speachless but keep thinking, can it be done or not? He have never appoint any consultants and all what he has were based on Do It Myself (DIM)techniques.

Very impressive and some of those features that were not normal are giving a positive results.

Hmmm ....... This is why they call this town as Setiawan (Faithful Clouds). The single largest town in Perak with more then 1,500 BHs (estimation given by Mr.D. Might be the largest BH population in a town in Malaysia.....

Beside the 11 operational BHs, Mr.D showed a row of new shophouses that will be ready within the next three to four months. He make an offer to Mr.S to convert one of the unit for his 1st on a 50:50 JV.

I told Mr.S, you are a damn lucky person ..... A millionaire in Setiawan offered a JV to a Pomelo merchant....

Well thats what happened when you take the trouble to carry two big Pomelos to Setiawan. I called it as "Pomelo Scandal In Setiawan".

I am very happy to see both Mr.D and Mr.S become a good friend. Both are by blog readers. Both thank me for starting the swiftlet blog ....

Will write a full recommendation to Mr.D while in Kuala Trengganu this week end. Meeting Pak Jeff and Pak Henri Mulia there.....

1 comment:

Ben Gan said...

What does GAPH stand for?
