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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Black Cloud Is Doing Well In KT !!!

This conversation is interesting about the Black Cloud birdcall sound.

The caller was Mr.T who purchased the Black Cloud and tested it in Kuala Trengganu, Trengganu.

He was conducting his first trial and was looking at the entrance hole area of his BH.

"Pak Harry, This is Mr.T from Kuala Trengganu. Just wanted to ask you about the Black Cloud you sent last night. Are You sure that it was not Duress?'

Mr.T why did you ask me that question?

"I am now using the sound in my BH and the response is marvellous and the number of birds are huge."

Mr.T, I sent to you the Black Cloud. Can you tell me your observation. Are those birds entering the entrance hole?

"Yes Pak Harry they are entering the hole but how come so many of them as if I am playing the test sound DURESS?"

Mr.T if you play the Duress the birds will not enter the hole.

"You are right Pak Harry. That means the Black Cloud is fantastic and is very effective here in KT. Thank U, thank U and Thank U."

You are welcome.

"Pak Harry one more question, do you have the best sound for internal?"

Yes, Black Cloud goes well with Cloud Nine. If you are interested I will be happy to let you try in KT.

For record purposes, the above conversation takes place yesterday November 22nd, 2008.

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