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Friday, August 30, 2013

Second BH Visited Also At Papar Sabah.

I learned that the owner attended one of my Swiftlet Farming Seminars in 2009.

He remember what I told him about how attracted are those swiftlet to water ponds especially in the evening.

What he did was to start building a fish pond about 50 feet by 100 feet.

"Pak Harry we have ikan Talapia and Patin inside the pond.  After one year we build this BH facing the fish pond like exactly like what you advised us during the Seminar I attended." he was making a point.

The idea of following my pond facing suggestion was good but something was not right with his BH, I told him.

I listed my concerns to him especially when I could not climb upstairs since there was no ladder around.

The biggest concern was the staircase to reach the top floors.

This three stories and about 20 feet by 80 feet with 10 feet high each floor is without a staircase.

How the hell are we going to climb up?

Usually he has those collapsible ladder but he forgot to bring along.

I have never visited another BH with this ladder forgot to bring concept before.

My next concern was his entrance hole style.

One was directly to the pond and the other was at 90* to the first.

During my test using Selking sound those birds seems to come into one hole and quickly flew out of the other.

I decided to ask him to open the main hole and shut the second hole.

There were very little external sound tweeters around the monkey house plus inside the BH.

Asked him to increase the numbers.

The LAL areas were a bit too bright and recommended a kind of partition around both LALs.

One major mistake inside this BH were the orientation of a row of nesting planks.  They were running parallel to the birds flying path.

I advised him to install wood crossings about 4 rows minimum creating boxes about 2.5 feet apart.

There was no partition to create any VIP rooms.

Decided to proposed to him to erect a few walls so that they can become VIP rooms.

Among the many sounds tested I told the owner that the Selking was still the most attractive.

Wrote about 18 pages about what he should do and if need more advise call me, I told him,

I hope he appreciate my contribution and perhaps one day once the BH is full he will remember who came so far to help him out.

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